A specialized agency
On this blog you can find all kinds of information about the professional world.
Our areas of expertise
The world of work can be complicated, discover our articles on the subject.
Choosing a career path when you’re young is not an easy thing, most young people don’t know what they’re going to do when they grow up.
Discover all our advices in order to succeed at best in your professional life.
A few figures …
People helped
Young people don't know what to do later
Jobs found
Cups of coffee
Spend some time there
Find a Job
You are not told to spend your days looking for your dream job everywhere, instead try to capitalize on the time you have. Finding a job doesn’t require you to feel saturated looking for one.
A maximum of one hour a day can be enough to organize your CV and target what best suits you as a job.
Put yourself in the recruiter’s shoes
Resume Builders
You don’t really know what to detail or not? Imagine yourself in the place of the recruiter when you read your CV: what questions does he or she ask? Is the information provided relevant and sufficiently developed? Or, on the contrary, is it useless? Note: if there are “holes” in your course, tell yourself that the recruiter will notice them. Do not hesitate to explain them in your cover letter.
Think big : no limit, no stress
Golden rules for any reflection: no idea is bad or stupid; forget all your past, your initial training, old thinking reflexes, parental or social pressure from your friends… you must first think about yourself and your life… your happiness will (partly) come from your professional success and therefore from your training. So think broadly without constraints of time, money and geography: what is the ideal you want to do in life ?